Audiology Billing

Our Services
With so many solutions available, you’ll wonder why you didn’t call us sooner.
- Insurance Verifications
- Billing diagnostic claims
- Billing hearing aid claims
- Billing patient statements
- Insurance pre-certifications
- HBS offers a flat rate on allowables (including hearing aids)
- Controlling A/R
- Consulting/Insurance advising
- HIPAA compliance training for entire staff
- Office Audit - HBS comes to your office and educates you on all insurance processes and an office walk through for HIPAA compliance.
- Custom super bill
- Custom new patient intake sheet
- Waivers
- Insurance verification form
- Medical Records Request/Release
- HIPAA privacy policy
- Custom referral form
- National Provider Identifier Number (NPI)
- Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH)
- CAQH re-attestation
- Re-validations MCR & commercial insurance companies
- Credentialing
- Contracting
- Contract & fee schedule review
Bundles Solutions
Package services save money
Your Challenge
10 insurance verifications
10 patient statements
A/R monthly spreadsheet report
Follow up on unpaid claims
Submit claims to insurance carriers
Post insurance payments
15 insurance verifications
15 patient statements
2 hours consulting
3 Pre-certifications
CAQH re-attestation
Unlimited insurance verifications
Unlimited patient statements
4 hours consulting
Re-validation on pre-contracted commercial payers
$50 discount on credentialing fee for new payers*
7 office forms - Custom form set.
Required On-Boarding Meeting
There’s a one-time on-site fee for any plan (includes travel).
HBS will come to your office for a discovery meeting and learn trends of your claims submission, volume and invoicing needs, ensuring office paperwork is HIPAA compliant, any billing concerns you have right now, basic front desk how-to’s, front desk processes, verification of insurance processes, and finally we’ll set up processes between our office and yours to ensure success from A to Z.
Receive $500 off when scheduling a boot camp at the same time as your On -Boarding Meeting!
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact us today for a solution tomorrow.
“If my office only needs insurance verification, do I still need an On-Boarding Meeting?”
No. Good question! An On-Boarding Meeting is not necessary for insurance verification services only.
I’m credentialed with BCBS, but don’t see myself on their participating provider list. Why?
Being credentialed & being contracted is NOT the same. Call us today & we’ll help you become a participating provider appearing on their lists.